Source code for shewchuk._shewchuk

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as _t
from functools import reduce as _reduce
from itertools import repeat as _repeat
from math import (
    ceil as _ceil,
    floor as _floor,
    gcd as _gcd,
    isfinite as _isfinite,
    modf as _modf,
from numbers import Rational as _Rational, Real as _Real
from sys import float_info as _float_info

import typing_extensions as _te

class Number(_te.Protocol):
    def __float__(self) -> float: ...

[docs] @_Real.register class Expansion: """Represents floating point number expansion.""" @property def real(self) -> _te.Self: """The imaginary part of the expansion.""" return self @property def imag(self) -> Number: """The real part of the expansion.""" return 0 def as_integer_ratio(self) -> tuple[int, int]: result_numerator, result_denominator = self._components[ 0 ].as_integer_ratio() for component in self._components[1:]: component_numerator, component_denominator = ( component.as_integer_ratio() ) result_numerator = ( result_numerator * component_denominator + component_numerator * result_denominator ) result_denominator = result_denominator * component_denominator gcd = _gcd(result_numerator, result_denominator) if gcd != 1: result_numerator //= gcd result_denominator //= gcd return result_numerator, result_denominator _components: _t.Sequence[float] __slots__ = ('_components',) def __new__( cls, _argument: _te.Self | Number = 0.0, *args: float, _compress: bool = True, ) -> _te.Self: self = super().__new__(cls) components: _t.Sequence[float] if args: try: invalid_component = ( _argument if not isinstance(_argument, float) else next( argument for argument in args if not isinstance(argument, float) ) ) except StopIteration: pass else: raise TypeError( f'Components should be of type {float!r}, ' f'but found: {type(invalid_component)!r}.' ) assert isinstance(_argument, float), _argument components = [_argument, *args] if _compress: components = _compress_components(components) elif isinstance(_argument, Expansion): components = _argument._components elif isinstance(_argument, float): components = [_argument] elif isinstance(_argument, int): components = _int_to_components(_argument) elif isinstance(_argument, _Rational): components = _rational_to_components(_argument) else: raise TypeError( 'Argument should be of type ' f'{_te.Self!r}, {_Rational!r}, ' f'{int!r} or {float!r}, ' f'but found: {type(_argument)!r}.' ) try: invalid_component = next( component for component in components if not _isfinite(component) ) except StopIteration: pass else: raise ValueError( 'Components should be finite, ' f'but found: {invalid_component!r}.' ) self._components = tuple(components) return self def __abs__(self) -> _te.Self: return +self if self._components[-1] > 0.0 else -self @_t.overload def __add__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> _te.Self: ... @_t.overload def __add__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __add__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion(*_add_components(self._components, other._components)) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else self.__radd__(other) ) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self._components[-1]) def __ceil__(self) -> int: return _components_to_integer(self._components) + _ceil( _components_to_accumulated_fraction(self._components) ) @_t.overload def __eq__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> bool: ... @_t.overload def __eq__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __eq__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( self._components == other._components if isinstance(other, Expansion) else ( _are_components_equal_to_float(self._components, other) if isinstance(other, float) else ( _are_components_equal_to_int(self._components, other) if isinstance(other, int) else ( _are_components_equal_to_rational( self._components, other ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) ) def __float__(self) -> float: assert sum(self._components) == self._components[-1], self return self._components[-1] def __floor__(self) -> int: return _components_to_integer(self._components) + _floor( _components_to_accumulated_fraction(self._components) ) @_t.overload def __ge__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> bool: ... @_t.overload def __ge__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __ge__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( not _are_components_lesser_than( self._components, other._components ) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else ( not _are_components_lesser_than_float(self._components, other) if isinstance(other, float) else ( not _are_components_lesser_than_int( self._components, other ) if isinstance(other, int) else ( not _are_components_lesser_than_rational( self._components, other ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) ) @_t.overload def __gt__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> bool: ... @_t.overload def __gt__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __gt__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( _are_components_lesser_than(other._components, self._components) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else ( _is_float_lesser_than_components(other, self._components) if isinstance(other, float) else ( _is_int_lesser_than_components(other, self._components) if isinstance(other, int) else ( _is_rational_lesser_than_components( other, self._components ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._components) @_t.overload def __le__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> bool: ... @_t.overload def __le__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __le__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> _t.Any | bool: return ( not _are_components_lesser_than( other._components, self._components ) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else ( not _is_float_lesser_than_components(other, self._components) if isinstance(other, float) else ( not _is_int_lesser_than_components(other, self._components) if isinstance(other, int) else ( not _is_rational_lesser_than_components( other, self._components ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) ) @_t.overload def __lt__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> bool: ... @_t.overload def __lt__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __lt__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> _t.Any | bool: return ( _are_components_lesser_than(self._components, other._components) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else ( _are_components_lesser_than_float(self._components, other) if isinstance(other, float) else ( _are_components_lesser_than_int(self._components, other) if isinstance(other, int) else ( _are_components_lesser_than_rational( self._components, other ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) ) @_t.overload def __mul__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> _te.Self: ... @_t.overload def __mul__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __mul__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion( *_multiply_components(self._components, other._components) ) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else self.__rmul__(other) ) def __neg__(self) -> _te.Self: return Expansion( *_negate_components(self._components), _compress=False ) def __pos__(self) -> _te.Self: return self def __radd__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion(*_add_float(self._components, other)) if isinstance(other, float) else ( Expansion( *_add_components( self._components, _int_to_components(other) ) ) if isinstance(other, int) else ( Expansion( *_add_components( self._components, _rational_to_components(other) ) ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return type(self).__qualname__ + '({})'.format( ', '.join(map(str, self._components)) ) def __rmul__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion(*_scale_components(self._components, other)) if isinstance(other, float) else ( Expansion( *_multiply_components( self._components, _int_to_components(other) ) ) if isinstance(other, int) else ( Expansion( *_multiply_components( self._components, _rational_to_components(other) ) ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) @_t.overload def __round__(self, precision: None = ...) -> int: ... @_t.overload def __round__(self, precision: int) -> _te.Self: ... def __round__(self, precision: int | None = None) -> _te.Self | int: if precision is None: result = _components_to_integer(self._components) fractions = _components_to_fractions(self._components) fraction_sign = ( -1 if _are_components_lesser_than_float(fractions, 0) else 1 ) if _are_components_equal_to_float(fractions, 0.5 * fraction_sign): sign = _to_sign(result) if sign != fraction_sign: result -= sign if result & 1: result += sign elif _is_float_lesser_than_components( 0.5, fractions ) or _are_components_lesser_than_float(fractions, -0.5): result += fraction_sign return result else: return Expansion( *[ round(component, precision) for component in self._components ] ) def __rsub__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion(*_subtract_from_double(other, self._components)) if isinstance(other, float) else ( Expansion( *_subtract_components( _int_to_components(other), self._components ) ) if isinstance(other, int) else ( Expansion( *_subtract_components( _rational_to_components(other), self._components ) ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) def __rtruediv__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion(*_divide_components([other], self._components)) if isinstance(other, float) else ( Expansion( *_divide_components( _int_to_components(other), self._components ) ) if isinstance(other, int) else ( Expansion( *_divide_components( _rational_to_components(other), self._components ) ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) @_t.overload def __sub__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> _te.Self: ... @_t.overload def __sub__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __sub__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion( *_subtract_components(self._components, other._components) ) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else ( Expansion(*_subtract_double(self._components, other)) if isinstance(other, float) else ( Expansion( *_subtract_components( self._components, _int_to_components(other) ) ) if isinstance(other, int) else ( Expansion( *_subtract_components( self._components, _rational_to_components(other), ) ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) ) @_t.overload def __truediv__(self, other: _te.Self | Number) -> _te.Self: ... @_t.overload def __truediv__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: ... def __truediv__(self, other: _t.Any) -> _t.Any: return ( Expansion(*_divide_components(self._components, other._components)) if isinstance(other, Expansion) else ( Expansion(*_divide_components(self._components, [other])) if isinstance(other, float) else ( Expansion( *_divide_components( self._components, _int_to_components(other) ) ) if isinstance(other, int) else ( Expansion( *_divide_components( self._components, _rational_to_components(other), ) ) if isinstance(other, _Rational) else NotImplemented ) ) ) ) def __trunc__(self) -> int: integer = _components_to_integer(self._components) integer_sign = _to_sign(integer) fraction_sign = _to_sign( _components_to_accumulated_fraction(self._components) ) return ( integer - integer_sign if ( integer_sign and fraction_sign and fraction_sign != integer_sign ) else integer )
def _rational_to_components(value: _Rational) -> list[float]: return ( _int_to_components(int(value.numerator)) if value.denominator == 1 else _divide_components( _int_to_components(int(value.numerator)), _int_to_components(int(value.denominator)), ) ) def _are_components_equal_to_float( components: _t.Sequence[float], value: float ) -> bool: return len(components) == 1 and components[0] == value def _are_components_equal_to_int( components: _t.Sequence[float], value: int ) -> bool: return ( _to_fraction(components[0]) == 0.0 and _components_to_integer(components) == value ) def _are_components_equal_to_rational( components: _t.Sequence[float], value: _Rational ) -> bool: return components == tuple(_rational_to_components(value)) def _are_components_lesser_than_float( components: _t.Sequence[float], value: float ) -> bool: return components[-1] < value or ( len(components) > 1 and components[-1] == value and components[-2] < 0.0 ) def _are_components_lesser_than_int( components: _t.Sequence[float], value: int ) -> bool: components_integer = _components_to_integer(components) return components_integer < value or ( components_integer == value and _components_to_accumulated_fraction(components) < 0.0 ) def _are_components_lesser_than_rational( components: _t.Sequence[float], value: _Rational ) -> bool: return _are_components_lesser_than( components, _rational_to_components(value) ) def _divide_components( dividend: _t.Sequence[float], divisor: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> list[float]: return _multiply_components(dividend, _invert_components(divisor)) def _int_to_components(value: int) -> list[float]: if not value: return [0.0] result = [] while value: component = float(value) result.append(component) value -= int(component) return result[::-1] def _invert_components(components: _t.Sequence[float]) -> _t.Sequence[float]: # based on Newton's method # # for f(x) = 1 / x first_approximation = 1.0 / components[-1] _, high = _split(first_approximation) if not _isfinite(high): raise OverflowError( f'Components {components} ' 'are not finitely invertible.' ) result: _t.Sequence[float] = [first_approximation] negated_components = _negate_components(components) for _ in _repeat(None, 6 + _ceil_log2(len(components))): result = _multiply_components( _add_float(_multiply_components(result, negated_components), 2.0), result, ) return result def _ceil_log2(number: int) -> int: return number.bit_length() - (not (number & (number - 1))) def _is_float_lesser_than_components( value: float, components: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> bool: return value < components[-1] or ( len(components) > 1 and components[-1] == value and components[-2] > 0.0 ) def _is_int_lesser_than_components( value: int, components: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> bool: components_integer = _components_to_integer(components) return value < components_integer or ( value == components_integer and _components_to_accumulated_fraction(components) > 0.0 ) def _is_rational_lesser_than_components( value: _Rational, components: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> bool: return _are_components_lesser_than( _rational_to_components(value), components ) def _components_to_accumulated_fraction( components: _t.Sequence[float], ) -> float: result = 0.0 for component in components: component_fraction = _to_fraction(component) if not component_fraction: break result += component_fraction assert abs(result) < 1.0, components return result def _components_to_fractions( components: _t.Sequence[float], ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: result = [] for component in components: component_fraction = _to_fraction(component) if not component_fraction: break result.append(component_fraction) return result or [0.0] def _components_to_integer(components: _t.Sequence[float]) -> int: result = 0 for component in reversed(components): component_integer = int(component) if not component_integer: break result += component_integer return result def _negate_components(components: _t.Sequence[float]) -> _t.Sequence[float]: return [-component for component in components]
[docs] def incircle_test( _point_x: float, _point_y: float, _first_x: float, _first_y: float, _second_x: float, _second_y: float, _third_x: float, _third_y: float, ) -> int: """ Computes location of point relative to a circle formed by three others given their coordinates. """ return _to_sign( _incircle_determinant_estimation( _point_x, _point_y, _first_x, _first_y, _second_x, _second_y, _third_x, _third_y, ) )
[docs] def kind( _vertex_x: float, _vertex_y: float, _first_ray_point_x: float, _first_ray_point_y: float, _second_ray_point_x: float, _second_ray_point_y: float, ) -> int: """Computes kind of angle given its endpoints coordinates.""" return _to_sign( _vectors_cross_product_estimation( _vertex_x, _vertex_y, _first_ray_point_x, _first_ray_point_y, -_vertex_y, _vertex_x, -_second_ray_point_y, _second_ray_point_x, ) )
[docs] def orientation( _start_x: float, _start_y: float, _end_x: float, _end_y: float, _point_x: float, _point_y: float, ) -> int: """ Computes orientation of point relative to segment given their coordinates. """ return _to_sign( _vectors_cross_product_estimation( _start_x, _start_y, _end_x, _end_y, _start_x, _start_y, _point_x, _point_y, ) )
[docs] def vectors_cross_product( _first_start_x: float, _first_start_y: float, _first_end_x: float, _first_end_y: float, _second_start_x: float, _second_start_y: float, _second_end_x: float, _second_end_y: float, ) -> Expansion: """ Computes cross product of two vectors given their endpoints coordinates. """ return Expansion( *_vectors_cross_product( _first_start_x, _first_start_y, _first_end_x, _first_end_y, _second_start_x, _second_start_y, _second_end_x, _second_end_y, ), _compress=False, )
[docs] def vectors_dot_product( _first_start_x: float, _first_start_y: float, _first_end_x: float, _first_end_y: float, _second_start_x: float, _second_start_y: float, _second_end_x: float, _second_end_y: float, ) -> Expansion: """ Computes dot product of two vectors given their endpoints coordinates. """ return Expansion( *_vectors_cross_product( _first_start_x, _first_start_y, _first_end_x, _first_end_y, -_second_start_y, _second_start_x, -_second_end_y, _second_end_x, ), _compress=False, )
_EPSILON = _float_info.epsilon / 2.0 def _are_components_lesser_than( left: _t.Sequence[float], right: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> bool: left_size, right_size = len(left), len(right) for offset in range(min(left_size, right_size)): if left[left_size - 1 - offset] < right[right_size - 1 - offset]: return True elif left[left_size - 1 - offset] > right[right_size - 1 - offset]: return False return left_size != right_size and ( right[right_size - left_size - 1] > 0.0 if left_size < right_size else left[left_size - right_size - 1] < 0.0 ) def _add_components( left: _t.Sequence[float], right: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> list[float]: left_length, right_length = len(left), len(right) left_component, right_component = left[0], right[0] left_index = right_index = 0 if (right_component > left_component) is ( right_component > -left_component ): accumulator = left_component left_index += 1 else: accumulator = right_component right_index += 1 result = [] if (left_index < left_length) and (right_index < right_length): left_component, right_component = left[left_index], right[right_index] if (right_component > left_component) is ( right_component > -left_component ): tail, accumulator = _fast_two_add(left_component, accumulator) left_index += 1 else: tail, accumulator = _fast_two_add(right_component, accumulator) right_index += 1 if tail: result.append(tail) while (left_index < left_length) and (right_index < right_length): left_component, right_component = ( left[left_index], right[right_index], ) if (right_component > left_component) is ( right_component > -left_component ): tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, left_component) left_index += 1 else: tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, right_component) right_index += 1 if tail: result.append(tail) for rest_left_index in range(left_index, left_length): left_component = left[rest_left_index] tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, left_component) if tail: result.append(tail) for rest_right_index in range(right_index, right_length): right_component = right[rest_right_index] tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, right_component) if tail: result.append(tail) if accumulator or not result: result.append(accumulator) return result def _add_float( components: _t.Sequence[float], value: float ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: result = [] accumulator = value for component in components: tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, component) if tail: result.append(tail) if accumulator or not result: result.append(accumulator) return result def _compress_components(components: list[float]) -> list[float]: for _ in _repeat(None, len(components)): next_components = _compress_components_single(components) if next_components == components: break components = next_components return components def _compress_components_single(components: _t.Sequence[float]) -> list[float]: bottom = len(components) - 1 cursor = components[bottom] result = [0.0] * len(components) for index in range(bottom - 1, -1, -1): tail, head = _two_add(cursor, components[index]) if tail: result[bottom] = head bottom -= 1 cursor = tail else: cursor = head top = 0 for index in range(bottom + 1, len(result)): tail, head = _two_add(result[index], cursor) if tail: result[top] = tail top += 1 cursor = head if cursor or not top: result[top] = cursor top += 1 return result[:top] def _fast_two_add(left: float, right: float) -> tuple[float, float]: head = left + right right_virtual = head - left tail = right - right_virtual return tail, head def _multiply_components( left: _t.Sequence[float], right: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> list[float]: return _reduce( _add_components, [ _scale_components(left, right_component) for right_component in right ], ) def _scale_components( components: _t.Sequence[float], scalar: float ) -> list[float]: components_iterator = iter(components) scalar_low, scalar_high = _split(scalar) tail, accumulator = _two_multiply_presplit( next(components_iterator), scalar, scalar_low, scalar_high ) result = [] if tail: result.append(tail) for component in components_iterator: product_tail, product = _two_multiply_presplit( component, scalar, scalar_low, scalar_high ) tail, interim = _two_add(accumulator, product_tail) if tail: result.append(tail) tail, accumulator = _fast_two_add(product, interim) if tail: result.append(tail) if accumulator or not result: result.append(accumulator) return result def _split( value: float, *, splitter: float = float(1 + (1 << ((_float_info.mant_dig + 1) // 2))), ) -> tuple[float, float]: base = splitter * value high = base - (base - value) low = value - high return low, high def _square(value: float) -> tuple[float, float]: head = value * value value_low, value_high = _split(value) first_error = head - value_high * value_high second_error = first_error - (value_high + value_high) * value_low tail = value_low * value_low - second_error return tail, head def _subtract_components( minuend: _t.Sequence[float], subtrahend: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: minuend_length, subtrahend_length = len(minuend), len(subtrahend) minuend_component, subtrahend_component = minuend[0], -subtrahend[0] minuend_index = subtrahend_index = 0 if (subtrahend_component > minuend_component) is ( subtrahend_component > -minuend_component ): accumulator = minuend_component minuend_index += 1 else: accumulator = subtrahend_component subtrahend_index += 1 result = [] if (minuend_index < minuend_length) and ( subtrahend_index < subtrahend_length ): minuend_component, subtrahend_component = ( minuend[minuend_index], -subtrahend[subtrahend_index], ) if (subtrahend_component > minuend_component) is ( subtrahend_component > -minuend_component ): tail, accumulator = _fast_two_add(minuend_component, accumulator) minuend_index += 1 else: tail, accumulator = _fast_two_add( subtrahend_component, accumulator ) subtrahend_index += 1 if tail: result.append(tail) while (minuend_index < minuend_length) and ( subtrahend_index < subtrahend_length ): minuend_component, subtrahend_component = ( minuend[minuend_index], -subtrahend[subtrahend_index], ) if (subtrahend_component > minuend_component) is ( subtrahend_component > -minuend_component ): tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, minuend_component) minuend_index += 1 else: tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, subtrahend_component) subtrahend_index += 1 if tail: result.append(tail) for rest_minuend_index in range(minuend_index, minuend_length): minuend_component = minuend[rest_minuend_index] tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, minuend_component) if tail: result.append(tail) for rest_subtrahend_index in range(subtrahend_index, subtrahend_length): subtrahend_component = -subtrahend[rest_subtrahend_index] tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, subtrahend_component) if tail: result.append(tail) if accumulator or not result: result.append(accumulator) return result def _subtract_double( minuend: _t.Sequence[float], subtrahend: float ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: return _add_float(minuend, -subtrahend) def _subtract_from_double( minuend: float, subtrahend: _t.Sequence[float] ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: result = [] accumulator = minuend for subtrahend_component in subtrahend: tail, accumulator = _two_add(accumulator, -subtrahend_component) if tail: result.append(tail) if accumulator or not result: result.append(accumulator) return result def _to_sign(value: float) -> int: return 1 if value > 0.0 else (0 if not value else -1) def _two_add(left: float, right: float) -> tuple[float, float]: head = left + right right_virtual = head - left left_virtual = head - right_virtual right_tail = right - right_virtual left_tail = left - left_virtual tail = left_tail + right_tail return tail, head def _two_multiply(left: float, right: float) -> tuple[float, float]: head = left * right left_low, left_high = _split(left) right_low, right_high = _split(right) first_error = head - left_high * right_high second_error = first_error - left_low * right_high third_error = second_error - left_high * right_low tail = left_low * right_low - third_error return tail, head def _two_multiply_presplit( left: float, right: float, right_low: float, right_high: float ) -> tuple[float, float]: head = left * right left_low, left_high = _split(left) first_error = head - left_high * right_high second_error = first_error - left_low * right_high third_error = second_error - left_high * right_low tail = left_low * right_low - third_error return tail, head def _two_one_add( left_tail: float, left_head: float, right: float ) -> tuple[float, float, float]: second_tail, mid_head = _two_add(left_tail, right) first_tail, head = _two_add(left_head, mid_head) return second_tail, first_tail, head def _two_one_subtract( left_tail: float, left_head: float, right: float ) -> tuple[float, float, float]: second_tail, mid_head = _two_subtract(left_tail, right) first_tail, head = _two_add(left_head, mid_head) return second_tail, first_tail, head def _two_subtract(left: float, right: float) -> tuple[float, float]: head = left - right return _two_subtract_tail(left, right, head), head def _two_subtract_tail(left: float, right: float, head: float) -> float: right_virtual = left - head left_virtual = head + right_virtual right_tail = right_virtual - right left_tail = left - left_virtual return left_tail + right_tail def _two_two_add( left_tail: float, left_head: float, right_tail: float, right_head: float ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: third_tail, mid_tail, mid_head = _two_one_add( left_tail, left_head, right_tail ) second_tail, first_tail, head = _two_one_add( mid_tail, mid_head, right_head ) return third_tail, second_tail, first_tail, head def _two_two_subtract( left_tail: float, left_head: float, right_tail: float, right_head: float ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: third_tail, mid_tail, mid_head = _two_one_subtract( left_tail, left_head, right_tail ) second_tail, first_tail, head = _two_one_subtract( mid_tail, mid_head, right_head ) return third_tail, second_tail, first_tail, head def _cross_product( first_dx: float, first_dy: float, second_dx: float, second_dy: float ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: first_dx_second_dy_tail, first_dx_second_dy_head = _two_multiply( first_dx, second_dy ) second_dx_first_dy_tail, second_dx_first_dy_head = _two_multiply( second_dx, first_dy ) return _two_two_subtract( first_dx_second_dy_tail, first_dx_second_dy_head, second_dx_first_dy_tail, second_dx_first_dy_head, ) def _scale_by_squared_length( components: _t.Sequence[float], dx: float, dy: float ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: dx_components = _scale_components(components, dx) dx_squared_components = _scale_components(dx_components, dx) dy_components = _scale_components(components, dy) dy_squared_components = _scale_components(dy_components, dy) return _add_components(dx_squared_components, dy_squared_components) def _squared_length(dx: float, dy: float) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: dx_squared_tail, dx_squared_head = _square(dx) dy_squared_tail, dy_squared_head = _square(dy) return _two_two_add( dx_squared_tail, dx_squared_head, dy_squared_tail, dy_squared_head ) def _to_fraction(value: float) -> float: result, _ = _modf(value) return result def _add_extras( final_components: _t.Sequence[float], first_dx: float, first_dx_tail: float, first_dy: float, first_dy_tail: float, second_dx: float, second_dx_tail: float, second_dy: float, second_dy_tail: float, third_dx: float, third_dx_tail: float, third_dy: float, third_dy_tail: float, second_third_cross_product: tuple[float, float, float, float], second_squared_length: tuple[float, float, float, float], third_squared_length: tuple[float, float, float, float], ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: if first_dx_tail: first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product = _scale_components( second_third_cross_product, first_dx_tail ) first_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product, 2.0 * first_dx ) first_dx_tail_third_squared_length = _scale_components( third_squared_length, first_dx_tail ) second_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_third_squared_length, second_dy ) first_dx_tail_second_squared_length = _scale_components( second_squared_length, first_dx_tail ) third_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_second_squared_length, -third_dy ) first_buffer_32 = _add_components(first_buffer_16, second_buffer_16) buffer_48 = _add_components(third_buffer_16, first_buffer_32) final_components = _add_components(final_components, buffer_48) first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product: _t.Sequence[float] if first_dy_tail: first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product = _scale_components( second_third_cross_product, first_dy_tail ) first_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product, 2.0 * first_dy ) first_dy_tail_second_squared_length = _scale_components( second_squared_length, first_dy_tail ) second_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_second_squared_length, third_dx ) first_dy_tail_third_squared_length = _scale_components( third_squared_length, first_dy_tail ) third_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_third_squared_length, -second_dx ) first_buffer_32 = _add_components(first_buffer_16, second_buffer_16) buffer_48 = _add_components(third_buffer_16, first_buffer_32) final_components = _add_components(final_components, buffer_48) if first_dx_tail or first_dy_tail: second_third_cross_product_bodies: _t.Sequence[float] second_third_cross_product_tails: _t.Sequence[float] if second_dx_tail or second_dy_tail or third_dx_tail or third_dy_tail: dx_tail_dy_head_tail, dx_tail_dy_head_head = _two_multiply( second_dx_tail, third_dy ) dx_head_dy_tail_tail, dx_head_dy_tail_head = _two_multiply( second_dx, third_dy_tail ) first_buffer_4 = _two_two_add( dx_tail_dy_head_tail, dx_tail_dy_head_head, dx_head_dy_tail_tail, dx_head_dy_tail_head, ) dx_tail_dy_head_tail, dx_tail_dy_head_head = _two_multiply( third_dx_tail, -second_dy ) dx_head_dy_tail_tail, dx_head_dy_tail_head = _two_multiply( third_dx, -second_dy_tail ) second_buffer_4 = _two_two_add( dx_tail_dy_head_tail, dx_tail_dy_head_head, dx_head_dy_tail_tail, dx_head_dy_tail_head, ) second_third_cross_product_bodies = _add_components( first_buffer_4, second_buffer_4 ) dx_tail_dy_head_tail, dx_tail_dy_head_head = _two_multiply( second_dx_tail, third_dy_tail ) dx_head_dy_tail_tail, dx_head_dy_tail_head = _two_multiply( third_dx_tail, second_dy_tail ) second_third_cross_product_tails = _two_two_subtract( dx_tail_dy_head_tail, dx_tail_dy_head_head, dx_head_dy_tail_tail, dx_head_dy_tail_head, ) else: second_third_cross_product_bodies = [0.0] second_third_cross_product_tails = [0.0] if first_dx_tail: first_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product, first_dx_tail ) first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product_bodies = ( _scale_components( second_third_cross_product_bodies, first_dx_tail ) ) first_buffer_32 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product_bodies, 2.0 * first_dx ) buffer_48 = _add_components(first_buffer_16, first_buffer_32) final_components = _add_components(buffer_48, final_components) if second_dy_tail: buffer_8 = _scale_components( third_squared_length, first_dx_tail ) first_buffer_16 = _scale_components(buffer_8, second_dy_tail) final_components = _add_components( final_components, first_buffer_16 ) if third_dy_tail: buffer_8 = _scale_components( second_squared_length, -first_dx_tail ) first_buffer_16 = _scale_components(buffer_8, third_dy_tail) final_components = _add_components( final_components, first_buffer_16 ) first_buffer_32 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product_bodies, first_dx_tail ) first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product_tails = _scale_components( second_third_cross_product_tails, first_dx_tail ) first_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product_tails, 2.0 * first_dx ) second_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dx_tail_second_third_cross_product_tails, first_dx_tail ) second_buffer_32 = _add_components( first_buffer_16, second_buffer_16 ) buffer_64 = _add_components(first_buffer_32, second_buffer_32) final_components = _add_components(final_components, buffer_64) if first_dy_tail: first_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product, first_dy_tail ) first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product_bodies = ( _scale_components( second_third_cross_product_bodies, first_dy_tail ) ) first_buffer_32 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product_bodies, 2.0 * first_dy ) buffer_48 = _add_components(first_buffer_16, first_buffer_32) final_components = _add_components(final_components, buffer_48) first_buffer_32 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product_bodies, first_dy_tail ) first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product_tails = _scale_components( second_third_cross_product_tails, first_dy_tail ) first_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product_tails, 2.0 * first_dy ) second_buffer_16 = _scale_components( first_dy_tail_second_third_cross_product_tails, first_dy_tail ) second_buffer_32 = _add_components( first_buffer_16, second_buffer_16 ) buffer_64 = _add_components(first_buffer_32, second_buffer_32) final_components = _add_components(final_components, buffer_64) return final_components def _adaptive_incircle_determinant_estimation( point_x: float, point_y: float, first_x: float, first_y: float, second_x: float, second_y: float, third_x: float, third_y: float, upper_bound: float, second_upper_bound_coefficient: float = (44.0 + 576.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON * _EPSILON, result_coefficient: float = (3.0 + 8.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, ) -> float: first_dx = first_x - point_x second_dx = second_x - point_x third_dx = third_x - point_x first_dy = first_y - point_y second_dy = second_y - point_y third_dy = third_y - point_y first_second_cross_product = _cross_product( first_dx, first_dy, second_dx, second_dy ) second_third_cross_product = _cross_product( second_dx, second_dy, third_dx, third_dy ) third_first_cross_product = _cross_product( third_dx, third_dy, first_dx, first_dy ) first_components = _scale_by_squared_length( second_third_cross_product, first_dx, first_dy ) second_components = _scale_by_squared_length( third_first_cross_product, second_dx, second_dy ) third_components = _scale_by_squared_length( first_second_cross_product, third_dx, third_dy ) first_second_sum_components = _add_components( first_components, second_components ) first_buffer = _add_components( first_second_sum_components, third_components ) result = sum(first_buffer) first_upper_bound_coefficient = (4.0 + 48.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON threshold = first_upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound if (result >= threshold) or (-result >= threshold): return result first_dx_tail = _two_subtract_tail(first_x, point_x, first_dx) first_dy_tail = _two_subtract_tail(first_y, point_y, first_dy) second_dx_tail = _two_subtract_tail(second_x, point_x, second_dx) second_dy_tail = _two_subtract_tail(second_y, point_y, second_dy) third_dx_tail = _two_subtract_tail(third_x, point_x, third_dx) third_dy_tail = _two_subtract_tail(third_y, point_y, third_dy) if ( not first_dx_tail and not second_dx_tail and not third_dx_tail and not first_dy_tail and not second_dy_tail and not third_dy_tail ): return result threshold = ( second_upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound + result_coefficient * abs(result) ) result += ( ( (first_dx * first_dx + first_dy * first_dy) * ( (second_dx * third_dy_tail + third_dy * second_dx_tail) - (second_dy * third_dx_tail + third_dx * second_dy_tail) ) + 2.0 * (first_dx * first_dx_tail + first_dy * first_dy_tail) * (second_dx * third_dy - second_dy * third_dx) ) + ( (second_dx * second_dx + second_dy * second_dy) * ( (third_dx * first_dy_tail + first_dy * third_dx_tail) - (third_dy * first_dx_tail + first_dx * third_dy_tail) ) + 2.0 * (second_dx * second_dx_tail + second_dy * second_dy_tail) * (third_dx * first_dy - third_dy * first_dx) ) + ( (third_dx * third_dx + third_dy * third_dy) * ( (first_dx * second_dy_tail + second_dy * first_dx_tail) - (first_dy * second_dx_tail + second_dx * first_dy_tail) ) + 2.0 * (third_dx * third_dx_tail + third_dy * third_dy_tail) * (first_dx * second_dy - first_dy * second_dx) ) ) if (result >= threshold) or (-result >= threshold): return result first_squared_length = ( _squared_length(first_dx, first_dy) if (second_dx_tail or second_dy_tail or third_dx_tail or third_dy_tail) else (0, 0, 0, 0) ) second_squared_length = ( _squared_length(second_dx, second_dy) if (third_dx_tail or third_dy_tail or first_dx_tail or first_dy_tail) else (0, 0, 0, 0) ) third_squared_length = ( _squared_length(third_dx, third_dy) if (first_dx_tail or first_dy_tail or second_dx_tail or second_dy_tail) else (0, 0, 0, 0) ) final_components = _add_extras( first_buffer, first_dx, first_dx_tail, first_dy, first_dy_tail, second_dx, second_dx_tail, second_dy, second_dy_tail, third_dx, third_dx_tail, third_dy, third_dy_tail, second_third_cross_product, second_squared_length, third_squared_length, ) final_components = _add_extras( final_components, second_dx, second_dx_tail, second_dy, second_dy_tail, third_dx, third_dx_tail, third_dy, third_dy_tail, first_dx, first_dx_tail, first_dy, first_dy_tail, third_first_cross_product, third_squared_length, first_squared_length, ) final_components = _add_extras( final_components, third_dx, third_dx_tail, third_dy, third_dy_tail, first_dx, first_dx_tail, first_dy, first_dy_tail, second_dx, second_dx_tail, second_dy, second_dy_tail, first_second_cross_product, first_squared_length, second_squared_length, ) return final_components[-1] def _incircle_determinant_estimation( point_x: float, point_y: float, first_x: float, first_y: float, second_x: float, second_y: float, third_x: float, third_y: float, upper_bound_coefficient: float = (10.0 + 96.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, ) -> float: first_dx = first_x - point_x second_dx = second_x - point_x third_dx = third_x - point_x first_dy = first_y - point_y second_dy = second_y - point_y third_dy = third_y - point_y second_dx_third_dy = second_dx * third_dy third_dx_second_dy = third_dx * second_dy first_squared_distance = first_dx * first_dx + first_dy * first_dy third_dx_first_dy = third_dx * first_dy first_dx_third_dy = first_dx * third_dy second_squared_distance = second_dx * second_dx + second_dy * second_dy first_dx_second_dy = first_dx * second_dy second_dx_first_dy = second_dx * first_dy third_squared_distance = third_dx * third_dx + third_dy * third_dy result = ( first_squared_distance * (second_dx_third_dy - third_dx_second_dy) + second_squared_distance * (third_dx_first_dy - first_dx_third_dy) + third_squared_distance * (first_dx_second_dy - second_dx_first_dy) ) upper_bound = ( (abs(second_dx_third_dy) + abs(third_dx_second_dy)) * first_squared_distance + (abs(third_dx_first_dy) + abs(first_dx_third_dy)) * second_squared_distance + (abs(first_dx_second_dy) + abs(second_dx_first_dy)) * third_squared_distance ) threshold = upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound return ( result if (result > threshold) or (-result > threshold) else _adaptive_incircle_determinant_estimation( point_x, point_y, first_x, first_y, second_x, second_y, third_x, third_y, upper_bound, ) ) def _vectors_cross_product_estimation( first_start_x: float, first_start_y: float, first_end_x: float, first_end_y: float, second_start_x: float, second_start_y: float, second_end_x: float, second_end_y: float, upper_bound_coefficient: float = (3.0 + 16.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, ) -> float: minuend = (first_end_x - first_start_x) * (second_end_y - second_start_y) subtrahend = (first_end_y - first_start_y) * ( second_end_x - second_start_x ) result = minuend - subtrahend if minuend > 0.0: if subtrahend <= 0.0: return result else: upper_bound = minuend + subtrahend elif minuend < 0.0: if subtrahend >= 0.0: return result else: upper_bound = -minuend - subtrahend else: return result threshold = upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound return ( result if (result >= threshold) or (-result >= threshold) else _adaptive_vectors_cross_product_estimation( first_start_x, first_start_y, first_end_x, first_end_y, second_start_x, second_start_y, second_end_x, second_end_y, upper_bound, ) ) def _adaptive_vectors_cross_product_estimation( first_start_x: float, first_start_y: float, first_end_x: float, first_end_y: float, second_start_x: float, second_start_y: float, second_end_x: float, second_end_y: float, upper_bound: float, first_upper_bound_coefficient: float = (2.0 + 12.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, second_upper_bound_coefficient: float = (9.0 + 64.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON * _EPSILON, estimation_coefficient: float = (3.0 + 8.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, ) -> float: minuend_x = first_end_x - first_start_x minuend_y = first_end_y - first_start_y subtrahend_x = second_end_x - second_start_x subtrahend_y = second_end_y - second_start_y minuend_tail, minuend = _two_multiply(minuend_x, subtrahend_y) subtrahend_tail, subtrahend = _two_multiply(minuend_y, subtrahend_x) first_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_tail, minuend, subtrahend_tail, subtrahend ) result = sum(first_components) threshold = first_upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound if (result >= threshold) or (-result >= threshold): return result minuend_x_tail = _two_subtract_tail(first_end_x, first_start_x, minuend_x) subtrahend_x_tail = _two_subtract_tail( second_end_x, second_start_x, subtrahend_x ) minuend_y_tail = _two_subtract_tail(first_end_y, first_start_y, minuend_y) subtrahend_y_tail = _two_subtract_tail( second_end_y, second_start_y, subtrahend_y ) if ( not minuend_x_tail and not minuend_y_tail and not subtrahend_x_tail and not subtrahend_y_tail ): return result threshold = ( second_upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound + estimation_coefficient * abs(result) ) result += ( minuend_x * subtrahend_y_tail + subtrahend_y * minuend_x_tail ) - (minuend_y * subtrahend_x_tail + subtrahend_x * minuend_y_tail) if (result >= threshold) or (-result >= threshold): return result minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y = _two_multiply( minuend_x_tail, subtrahend_y ) minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x = _two_multiply( minuend_y_tail, subtrahend_x ) extra_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y, minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x, ) second_components = _add_components(first_components, extra_components) minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y = _two_multiply( minuend_x, subtrahend_y_tail ) minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x = _two_multiply( minuend_y, subtrahend_x_tail ) extra_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y, minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x, ) third_components = _add_components(second_components, extra_components) minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y = _two_multiply( minuend_x_tail, subtrahend_y_tail ) minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x = _two_multiply( minuend_y_tail, subtrahend_x_tail ) extra_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y, minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x, ) return _add_components(third_components, extra_components)[-1] def _vectors_cross_product( first_start_x: float, first_start_y: float, first_end_x: float, first_end_y: float, second_start_x: float, second_start_y: float, second_end_x: float, second_end_y: float, upper_bound_coefficient: float = (3.0 + 16.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: minuend = (first_end_x - first_start_x) * (second_end_y - second_start_y) subtrahend = (first_end_y - first_start_y) * ( second_end_x - second_start_x ) estimation = minuend - subtrahend if minuend > 0.0: if subtrahend <= 0.0: return [estimation] else: upper_bound = minuend + subtrahend elif minuend < 0.0: if subtrahend >= 0.0: return [estimation] else: upper_bound = -minuend - subtrahend else: return [estimation] threshold = upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound return ( [estimation] if (estimation >= threshold) or (-estimation >= threshold) else _adaptive_vectors_cross_product( first_start_x, first_start_y, first_end_x, first_end_y, second_start_x, second_start_y, second_end_x, second_end_y, upper_bound, ) ) def _adaptive_vectors_cross_product( first_start_x: float, first_start_y: float, first_end_x: float, first_end_y: float, second_start_x: float, second_start_y: float, second_end_x: float, second_end_y: float, upper_bound: float, first_upper_bound_coefficient: float = (2.0 + 12.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, second_upper_bound_coefficient: float = ( (9.0 + 64.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON * _EPSILON ), estimation_coefficient: float = (3.0 + 8.0 * _EPSILON) * _EPSILON, ) -> _t.Sequence[float]: minuend_x = first_end_x - first_start_x minuend_y = first_end_y - first_start_y subtrahend_x = second_end_x - second_start_x subtrahend_y = second_end_y - second_start_y minuend_tail, minuend = _two_multiply(minuend_x, subtrahend_y) subtrahend_tail, subtrahend = _two_multiply(minuend_y, subtrahend_x) first_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_tail, minuend, subtrahend_tail, subtrahend ) estimation = sum(first_components) threshold = first_upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound if (estimation >= threshold) or (-estimation >= threshold): return _compress_components_single(first_components) minuend_x_tail = _two_subtract_tail(first_end_x, first_start_x, minuend_x) subtrahend_x_tail = _two_subtract_tail( second_end_x, second_start_x, subtrahend_x ) minuend_y_tail = _two_subtract_tail(first_end_y, first_start_y, minuend_y) subtrahend_y_tail = _two_subtract_tail( second_end_y, second_start_y, subtrahend_y ) if ( not minuend_x_tail and not minuend_y_tail and not subtrahend_x_tail and not subtrahend_y_tail ): return _compress_components_single(first_components) threshold = ( second_upper_bound_coefficient * upper_bound + estimation_coefficient * abs(estimation) ) extra = (minuend_x * subtrahend_y_tail + subtrahend_y * minuend_x_tail) - ( minuend_y * subtrahend_x_tail + subtrahend_x * minuend_y_tail ) estimation += extra if (estimation >= threshold) or (-estimation >= threshold): return _add_float(first_components, extra) minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y = _two_multiply( minuend_x_tail, subtrahend_y ) minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x = _two_multiply( minuend_y_tail, subtrahend_x ) extra_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y, minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x, ) second_components = _add_components(first_components, extra_components) minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y = _two_multiply( minuend_x, subtrahend_y_tail ) minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x = _two_multiply( minuend_y, subtrahend_x_tail ) extra_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y, minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x, ) third_components = _add_components(second_components, extra_components) minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y = _two_multiply( minuend_x_tail, subtrahend_y_tail ) minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x = _two_multiply( minuend_y_tail, subtrahend_x_tail ) extra_components = _two_two_subtract( minuend_x_subtrahend_y_tail, minuend_x_subtrahend_y, minuend_y_subtrahend_x_tail, minuend_y_subtrahend_x, ) return _add_components(third_components, extra_components)